Bay-Bee says, "Let your light shine! Your playing small does not serve the world. Get out of judgement and into curiosity as I am. I see the world as a source of wonderment, this wonderful place of miracles. How do you see the world?"
Bay-Bee says, "I was born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. You were also born to manifest that glory. There is a miracle inside of you, a passion that is begging to burst out, YOU ARE THE BRILLIANT ONE! Let it shine! Let your light shine."
You might say, "But, but... but I don't want others to feel intimidated or bad or think that I am over-bearing or coming on too strong. It's easier to just be meek and mellow."
Bay-Bee says, "Let your light shine! As you are liberated from your own fear, you AUTOMATICALLY GIVE OTHERS THE RIGHT, THE PERMISSION, THE INSPIRATION to DO THE SAME! By liberating yourself, by being strong, by overcoming your fears, you are being an example, a role model for others to do the same! We can all be inspiring!
Which would you rather do: summon the strength to overcome your fears OR live a life full of regret?
Aren't you tired of playing small? It's time to sit up and be counted, stand up and be strong, and open up and be heard. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. Serve the World! Serve it. You see, your new worth is in direct proportion to the amount of value you deliver to the people of the world. The more you serve, the more you give, and the more you master the skills, talent, and knowledge necessary to serve, the more you will receive."
God is going to give Bay-Bee a brain, a heart, and a body. It's up to Bay-Bee to maximize what God gave him. That includes staying away from destructive drugs, foods, and drinks. That includes staying away from destructive people as well. My father always said that you are the average of the 5 people with whom you spend the most time. Are your friends raising your average or lowering your average? It comes down to weightlifting. :) You are either a weight or a lifter. Which are you? Which of those two are the four of your friends with whom you spend the most time? Do you need some new friends?"
Listen, I know the readers of this blog. You are special, very special people. You have a light that burns so bright in you that it could light New York for a week, but for some that light is shaded by doubt, hesitation, fear, or friends.
Today is the day to wipe away the shade and let your light shine. Let it shine bright and let others know that you are no longer going to live a life of fear. You are going to do the things you need to do to fuel your body, your heart, and your brain. You are going to pick up the phone or visit those who raise your average. You are going to read, study, visit with family, share your happiness, and you are going to remember, YOU ARE THE BRILLIANT ONE!
Stimulus --> (Gap of Time) --> Response
You are going to CHOOSE HAPPINESS on a daily basis. You see, life is a choice (thank GOD we aren't just reactive animals with NO CHOICE!). Between Stimulus (WHAT HAPPENS TO US) and Response (HOW WE CHOOSE TO ACT), there is a gap of time (whereas with animals, it is stimulus-react based on instinct). We HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE. We have the right to choose HAPPY or the right to CHOOSE miserable. It comes down to: only YOU can make YOU miserable! That's right. They can do whatever they want to do, but you can CHOOSE how you deal with that stimulus. I CHOOSE HAPPY! Say it with me, "I CHOOSE HAPPY!" Say it with me, "I CHOOSE HAPPY!" Don't you feel better already? I choose happy on a daily basis and I've found life chooses to smile back at me.
Inside each one of us, including Bay-Bee, there is a brilliant, bright, and powerful light just ready to blossom to light the air around us with a sparkle and magic. Perhaps you've lost a little of that sparkle. Well rejoice! Rejoice, because that sparkle can be re-kindled, no matter your age, gender, situation, or finances. Smile, laugh, be happy, because they can't take your mind, your knowledge, your talents, or your skills away from you. Nobody can take all of these blessings that are yours away - your sight, your hearing, your toes, your fingers, your mind, your smell, your health, your smile, your choice... Be thankful for the blessings, the many, many, many, many blessings you already have.
If you can read this, you are more privileged than 50% of the world's population. Think about how much power comes with the ability to read! Are you using that power?
Within you, each of us actually, there is a glow. It's been proven scientifically. That's where I truly began to believe in God was in my study of quantum physics. You see, you take the world around us and you look through a microscope and you see molecules. These are the small pieces of the world that make up the big pieces of the world. In between each of these molecules is space.
Take a stronger microscope and look at the molecules and you see that they are made of even smaller pieces called atoms. These atoms had a nucleus, a proton or more, and some electrons. The smallest pieces of these small pieces were the electrons.
When you look through an electron microscope (yes, this is a very, very high-powered instrument), you can see that the electrons are made of pieces called quarks. Look further and what you see is that these quarks are made of ENERGY! Energy, yes. Not pieces, but light (or pieces of light). We are all made of light. Call it God, call it energy, call it what you will, but when you look at us to the nth degree, we are a person full of "glow". In some people, this glow is brighter than in others. The brightness of that glow is determined by you.
Take it upon yourself to CHOOSE HAPPY this week. Let your GLOW be OUTWARD as well as INWARD and when one or two people try to shade your glow, tell them to smile and let their glow shine through. Tell them to read Then they'll get it. They'll quit trying to squelch the glow of others and start letting their light GLOW! They'll start being the lifter and not the weight.
Let your light shine, Bay-Bee! I can't wait until you see the light and we get to see your light. Stay healthy little guy. We're waiting with open arms for you.
To Your Success,
Bay-Bee's Papa (Michael)
P.S. Who do you know who needs to read this? Please pass this on to them. Be the inspiration. Be the role model. Let your light shine. Choose Happy! :)