Saturday, January 14, 2012

First. Soccer. Game. Ever. What's the Goal? =0)

Hi Max!

First. Game. Ever. 

Today was a monumental moment in your life (and in mine). You had your first Happy Feet Biddyball Soccer Game this morning at 9:15 a.m. Bought your soccer ball and shin guards. Got your shorts, sweats, and shirt ready. 

Here was the Facebook chatter about the experience... (lots of GREAT advice here) please read to the end. =0)

Michael J. Maher: So blessed. Max's first (EVER) athletic competition is tomorrow morning. He starts a soccer league (at 3 years old). He'll love the exercise, the playing, and the time to goof. Daddy is bringing duct tape to fight the urge to "coach", "help", or "support vocally" =0) I'm going to watch him have fun (not to help him achieve, score, or get better). It's all about fun. I keep having to remind myself. Just be there. Support. Give him high 5's before and after. Really hoping he doesn't start crying before or after. =0) What words of advice would you give me (former player, life of athletics, past and current coach, helper, involved Daddy)? +m2 Irene Hughes, Seville Ko and 19 others like this.
Michael J. Maher First. Soccer. Game. Ever.
Yesterday at 6:46pm
Vicki S. Cannon How exciting. I think you have it - you get perspective - what's it about for Max? It's about him, not you. Good Dad!
Yesterday at 6:51pm
Gwen Daubenmeyer Don't video more than you participate in it. You might capture it but you'll miss it. KWIM?
Yesterday at 6:53pm
Jason McIntosh be the dad that show's excitement for anything he does! I remember Aiden scored his first goal in his own goal! I still cheered for him and said that was awesome but next time ya have to score in the other teams goal! He has a total of 3 in the wrong goal and just 1 real goal in his two season career!
Yesterday at 6:57pm 
Michelle Johns · 22 mutual friends
Cheer!! Cheering is always great motivation! :)
Yesterday at 7:01pm
Suzette Stowe Neff · 3 mutual friends
Just ask Max what he wants you to do and get his permission to cheer, just in case he wants you to only watch him. I remember my daughter being embarrassed when I cheered....of course, I am a bit over the top with my cheering and "coaching"!
Yesterday at 7:16pm 
Michael J. Maher This is going to be tough for a ball coach. =0) I have the right attitude, now can I execute? +m2
Yesterday at 7:17pm
Jason McIntosh Might as well prepare him for the future! Hahaa
Yesterday at 7:19pm
Molly Dean Clark My 4 favorite words my dad said to me over all my years of competitive sports....'I'm proud of you.' That's really all that mattered to me! Good luck to you and Max!!
Yesterday at 7:25pm

Kathy Korte Brothers · 139 mutual friends
Just cheer him on! Good, Bad, Ugly! He is 3! Everything he does is a celebration! Won't he be amazing!? I'm the mom to 5. They grow up FAST. Some are athletes, some are not. I have a child w special needs who could never win a race. You know what? He makes my heart SING! They ALL do! Celebrate your JOY!
Yesterday at 7:39pm
Janetsue Filberth Advice? can't want stuff for your kids more then they do....let them try lots of things is great enrichment..and along the way they find the sport or activity they love!!!!!!!(PS: almost all kids LOVE soccer!!!)
Yesterday at 7:39pm
Dean Wolfe You will do fine. I too thought I would have trouble un this area but you have the right attitude going in. There is enough pressure when they get to about 8 so let him enjoy the next 4 years. Then get after him!!;-)
Yesterday at 7:41pm 
Carrie Smith Qualters Cash plays too. So flipping cute at 3. Cheer your heart out - for the good, bad and funny. 3yo soccer = heard of cats!
Yesterday at 8:02pm
Susan Henderson Saving root beer barrels...the candy! we used to buy them for my dad when my brothers were playing basketball. He thought it really helped him too!
Yesterday at 8:19pm

BonnieandDavid Lelak · 77 mutual friends
All I can say is enjoy every minute of it, because time sure does fly by fast! Moving my first born to Nashville, TN for college tomorrow and it doesn't seem like that long ago that he was running around the bases the wrong way! Enjoy and be blessed and take lots of pictures!
Yesterday at 8:21pm
Leslie Edwards It sounds like you know exactly what you should do. Here's hoping.... All you really have to do is show up.
Yesterday at 8:46pm
Ken Pederson kids and sports , what a great combo . enjoy
Yesterday at 9:02pm
Sally Schindel Bucciero No matter how bad his coach might be, he is serving children....share your gratitude.
Yesterday at 9:09pm
Bob Van Just be there. Let him develop his passion . . . . . . . as you did
Yesterday at 10:14pm
Nancy Tuck Takes pictures you will cherish them and the memories! Or video! Have a great time!!
Yesterday at 10:23pm
Sven Andersen You got it covered!
23 hours ago · Like
Glenda Williamson Each day is a gift, that's why they call it the present. Be there and enjoy the abuncance of the day!!! God Bless you!!! You are a wonderful father. The greatest gift you can give your son is to love his mother!!!
23 hours ago
Kyetta Woodley Currier As a mom of an elite athlete and a coach in the same sport - when it's Kynsee out there I have always just sat in the stands - sometimes closing my eyes & praying she makes everything in her routines safely - and just cheer her on with all my heart!! People always ask how I got her to be so dedicated and so good at gymnastics....I always respond - I didn't, she did all on her own. I am here just to support whatever it is she loves and excels at - I am just here to be her mom, not her coach. You cannot force your child to love what you love - if it works out that way - then we are the lucky ones.
14 hours ago · Like
Shelly Hummel Make sure it is always about fun, not about winning.....
12 hours ago

Marsha Bel-Champion Braithwaite · 58 mutual friends
Just enjoy the time with him and no analyzing the game or his ability. Have fun!!!!
5 hours ago
Michael J. Maher: I almost failed as a dad. Max didn't engage. He kicked the soccer ball once during the game - to "kick off" because the "coach" made him. At one time both teams were doing the kickoff and Max was running up and down the midfield stripe. Oblivious to the game that was going on. He kept saying, "I don't want to" when it was suggested for him to go play. I had to take a walk and cool off a little because I was upset. Glad I did thought because I relaxed and just thought, "It's the first one. I want him to want to come back next week so what can I do?" After the game, Max and I kicked the ball around on our own and played "chase" and "get me" and had a ton of fun. Laughs and smiles. Hope that is what it takes to get him to want to go and - eventually engage in the game. Don't worry about Max, he'll be fine. Worry about me. =0) Daddying is tough. :) +m2

Regardless, I love you. I'm so proud of you for going, not crying, and you know what? I loved kicking the ball around and running around the field with you afterwards. I laughed so loud one time I snorted! You are funny. Sports are very important to me - you have a lot of athletics in your bloodlines. We'll see what develops, but for now... let's just have fun and call it a great time to get to play together!

Love you!


Max's Dad (Michael)