Hi Max!
You have really stuck to the structured plan for the last few weeks. We added some rice to your formula and you took it like a Champ. I have been focusing my efforts on getting our real estate team and getting my book done that I haven't had time to write here about all that we have been doing. I guess no news is good news as you are growing steadily, staying healthy, and retaining your title as most awesome and cutest kid on the entire planet. :)
One new bit of news is that you started your Your Baby Can Read videos. We're having plan watching the DVD. I wonder if you are getting it, but at least you are entertaining and watching it. And I've learned how to properly pronounce words like gorilla, tiger, elephant, cat, dog, and hi. At the very least, we're spending some time together and laughing while the DVD runs.
It's time for your pictures and we're getting them done within the next week. Can't wait to share them with everyone as you are growing like a weed.
We did watch the most exciting game in Super Bowl history on Sunday. We kind of watched it together. I watched it with you right next to me in your swing. You watched it through closed eyelids as you slept the entire game! Still loved having you next to me for the big game. Hopefully the first of many we share together.
That's it for now. It's not that every day isn't exciting because every day IS excited. Just not things others would find exciting - a gurgle, a laugh, a quiet sleep, a beautiful smile. Great stuff.
To Your Success,
Max's Dad (Michael)