Sunday, July 26, 2009

Max's first workout...

Hi Max!

We did our first workout together - kind of. :) We did YogaX together from p90x. This program helped me lose 30 pounds of fat and gain 10 pounds of muscle in 90 days. I am healthy, active, and energetic. I want to play with you for years and years and years. Here is our post-workout video. :)

To Your Success,

Max's Dad (Michael)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dude, I have the coolest kid...

Check out this video...

Did that make you laugh or what?

To Your Success,

Max's Dad (Michael)

First Day of Daycare...

Hi Max!

Today was your first day of Day Care! Mom dropped you off this morning and about noon we both starting texting each other about how you were doing. Finally, at about 2 p.m., I decided to drop by after dropping off my dry cleaning. I walked in (through all the security) and spied on you for about 5 minutes. You were laughing and giggling. You were sitting on the teacher's lap and playing with a ball inside a ball. You were cackling your little cackle of a laugh. I almost teared up. There I was standing in the hallway, leaning on the wall, staring at you and the scene. Your eyes were so alert and you seemed so aware of your surroundings. It was incredible to watch you play. It was if I was watching my son, you, on television. Part of me wanted to open the door and grab you and just hug you so tight and another part, the smarter part, of me stayed in the background watching you play and get used to your surroundings. I should have known that you would adapt quickly...

Quicker than your parents. We texted back and forth all morning. We struggled with it while you took it in stride. I just love that about you. Nothing phases you and you're always happy.

It was the first day of day care and there were tears shed - just none of them by you. I didn't read about this in any of the manuals. Oh yeah, no manuals. Maybe that will be my next book. One of the chapters would be called "The First Day of Daycare." And I'd tell the parents not to worry because kids are adaptable.

I was proud of my son today - swelling with pride, in fact. It was so great to see you smiling, having fun, and so at ease in your new surroundings. You're awesome (of course, your name is Max). :)

To Your Success,

Max's Dad (Michael)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

If this doesn't make you smile, nothing will.

Hi Max!

You love your new Johnny Jumper! This helps your legs get stronger so you can learn to walk faster. You're growing up so fast, buster. :)

Love that laugh.

To Your Success,

Max's Dad (Michael)

P.S. Here's the video!