Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Different Ways to Say, "Daddy."

Hi Max!

Here is tonight's Facebook post and stream:
Michael J. Maher
Nothing like hearing Max say, "Daddy". :) Now he has different ways of saying it. Daddy! (=Hi!), Daddy (like C'mon Daddy!), Daddy? (like how's this potty thing work?), Daddy (low, serious =broke something), Daddy (whisper,loving, tired =bedtime), Daddy (sarcastic, like Daddy don't be silly - I get that one a lot), Daddy (full squeal - in the midst of being tickled). Daddy! (=where are you Daddy?!) And so on. :) +m2
3 hours ago · Like ·
Dianna Kinnard, Julie Patterson-Poor, John Dennan and 17 others like this.

Eric Michael: Awesome. I can hear each one. (with my kids saying it, of course)
3 hours ago · Like

Beckie Agan-Realtor: I get the Nanna (sarcastic, like "Nanna, don't be silly") one a lot too. FUNNY.
3 hours ago · Like

Shane White: And it only gets better!! I know you are having a blast with him...
3 hours ago · Like

Beckie Agan-Realtor: The totally excited, look of astonishment, almost fearful, look of discovery while he says, "Nanna", as he experiences something awesome for the first time.... that's my favorite.
3 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person

Bronwyn Ball Kemp: I remember my dad telling me that when I was in middle/high school that I would come to him and say, "Um, Dad?" and he always knew a request was coming, usually involving his money!!
2 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person

Beckie Agan-Realtor: As he gets older, and the newness of the world wears off, we get those reactions less and less. That's why we love being with children. They remind us of the spectacular world in which we live.
2 hours ago · Like

Michael J. Maher: So true everyone. Beckie, I love that one too. The Daaaddddeeee! of joy when he looks up at me with his big blue eyes. :) Here's one of those looks I captured from Max back on August 8 of last year --> <-- So precious. Time just flies doesn't it? +m2
2 hours ago · Like

Justin Nielsen: If I don't answer my boy immediately, he goes from "FAR"(Daddy in Danish) to "FAAAARRR!!!" in a second!
2 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person

Beckie Agan-Realtor: It does fly.....then one day, they are parents themselves, and looking to you for guidance. All you can do is tear up, because you know there are no words to explain just how fast it goes, how much you miss, and how you'd give anything to do it all again.
2 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person

Max, I love it when you say, Daddy, how you say Daddy, and I hope you'll forever call me Daddy. :) We really had a great night playing together. Really enjoyed playing "tackle", "cars", and "KenpoX". :)

To Your Success With Love,

Max's Dad (Michael)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Stop and smell the...

Hi Max!

You are so adorable! I have to just say that as your language and articulation gets bigger and better you are just so fun to be around! :)

Tonight, mom called us to dinner. As we were heading up the stairs, you took a few seconds to stop and smell the two fragrant candles that are on the landing of the stairs. You made sure not to touch them with your hands because we had just washed them. You ever so gently edged up to one, took a big sniff, and enjoyed the moment. You then slid sideways to take in the other one. It reminded me of watching a wine connoisseur take in the entire experience of the wine. And then in a blink, we worked our way up the rest of the stairs.

I was glad I was there for that moment.

I was glad you reminded me of why I was there.

I need to take time to stop and smell the roses... and the candles. We all do.

Thank you again... for educating me and teaching me on a daily basis.

With Love and To Your Success,

Max's Dad (Michael)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bath Time! So glad that you love the water!

(see his little horns :)
Hi Max!

Well, in the last week, we've had 70-degree weather, 30-degree weather, snow, sleet, rain, cloudiness, and sunshine. It truly is Kansas weather. Springtime is coming.

John Maxwell is doing a videoblog in which he does a video explaining a word. Today, out of the thousands submitted, he picked mine. I sent in 10 words (as requested by the Maxwell Company) and they picked "Selflessness". Many feel that is appropriate for me. Selflessness is a maturity, a self-assured person who gives without thought of reciprocity. You're so comfortable with yourself that you can totally concentrate on the other person and their needs. I love that. Here's the video --> Hope you like it. By the way, you may ask if you are named after John Maxwell and the truth is... not really, but it certainly helped cement your name. Adds a lot of power, leadership and credibility to your name. Max is such a wonderful, strong name.

Also, you may have some new subscribers and followers. :) Rene Rodriguez mentioned at an event with 200 people today.

With Love and To Your Success,

Max's Dad (Michael)