Sunday, July 15, 2012

I love you, Max.

Max riding train at Branson Landing (07-05-2012)

Max in the park (Sunday is Son-Day)
Hi Max!

I love you. I'm proud of you. I love to "get you" and love to play with you - even when it is just wheeling trucks around the floor. 

Here's what I wrote to my Facebook Friends today and I was inspired to share this with you: 

"Sunday is Son-Day. Here's what I hope - I hope that you love your kids as much as I love my son. I love his bad days (today when he "didn't want to play" soccer and I was pulling my hair out - quietly). I love his good days. And every day in between. He's not perfect and he has a father who is really struggling at this Dad thing. And he loves his mother right now more than his Daddy (it's a time thing), but here's what I wish for you... Parents tell your kids - sit them down, as awkward as it may be, and tell them - how much you love them, how proud of them you are, and how much they mean to you. Hug them, kiss them on the cheek, and take that moment. It's worth it. In all the hustle and bustle of the world, it's worth it... to stop a second and just show some love to your kids. No more assuming they "just know" you love them, but let them know how sincerely grateful you are for them and how much you love them. Sunday is Son-Day for me and for a Dad that screws up a lot and isn't there as much as he would like, it's a day that I wouldn't miss. It's a day to take a step out of the rat race and away from the concrete jungle, and hug our little animals and play with our little monkeys. Blessings, my Friends. +m2 P.S. And as a kid with four siblings, do this individually - one at a time with each kid if you have more than one."

Max, I love you. I'm proud of you. You are going to be a GREAT kid, a GREAT PERSON. You are a great kid now but you can improve, and please know your Mommy and Daddy are dedicated to becoming the best parents possible to help you to be the best person possible. It's not going to happen overnight - every minute, every second is a chance to praise, discipline, or teach - and quite frankly, we are overwhelmed and seeking consistency - consistency of discipline, consistency of message, consistency of schedule. We are getting there. Just know we care, we care enough to get better. We may never master parenting, but we will get better. 

Remember, you're the best. You can do it. You are equipped with the talent, smarts, and abilities to do ANYTHING YOU WANT. You are so helpful, a leader, a server, a light in any room you enter. You're the best. You're the greatest. You're the Max. =0) 


Max's Dad (Michael)