Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Car Jar...

Hi Max!

I was reading on Facebook and a note by Joe Stumpf caught my eye. 

> How To Create your Jar For The Car

The day my oldest daughter Traci was born, September 10th 1986 my best friend and mentor Milton Merrill said to me “ today is the day you start the jar for the car.”

I said “ what do you mean,” he said get a couple of empty 5 gallon sparkles jugs put them in you closet and every time you have loose change throw it in the jar because in 16 years you will need to buy her a car and hopefully you will have a your jar full which will be the jar for the car. 

I did what he said, and 16 years latter I saved $7,200 in penny's, nickels, dimes and quarters. A smart man once said to me," Joe when it comes to money most people overestimate what they can achieve in 1 year and underestimate what they can achieve in 5 years."

But when your commit to the long term, amazing thins start to happen. Saving $1.25 a day doesn’t amount to much over a month, but over 16 years it’s $7,200 and bought ½ a car.

What sort of life do you want to have in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years? 

Go to the website and discover how much money you need in the future to create a vision of the future you desire, then become willing to do whatever it takes to bring it into being. 

As you focus each day on the future you’re creating and keep taking action to continue bringing it into being, you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish

As you continue to deepen your money making mindset you may choose to further embrace the wisdom of Woody Allen when he said, "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." 

Today ask yourself.. What can I start saving today that will have a big effect in the long term?

Joe Stumpf <

Today, I start my Car Jar for you Max (I have a change jar started and today it gets bigger and more important - behold The Car Jar!). At 16, I'll help you buy your first car. It will be some sort of tank and it will have a speed governor, but it will be your first car. :) 

Thank you Joe for the great note and the inspiration to consolidate my change to a specific goal. What was ordinary change, now has a name and with that name, a purpose. Max, remember that. Take what may be insignificant and taken for granted, give it a name and a purpose. For example, your mom and I have been going on Date Nights every Friday for several years now. What is Date Night? Essentially, it is time for your mom and I to quit thinking about our professions and focus on each other. Date Night legitimizes this time off and has now become something we both look forward to each week. 

To Your Success, 

Max's Dad (Michael)