Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday = "Son"Day...

Hi Max!

We've fallen into a pleasant pattern. Sundays have become "Son"days. A full day of daddy and you playing, learning, eating, goofing, and everything in between. Today, we continued our fun:

I got up, got the paper, let Lucky out for his morning ritual =0), made some coffee, and got a cup of water. You were ready to get up soon thereafter. After changing you, we ate eggs together. That was fun. We played a little bit and read the paper together - you LOVE the car section and this week was THE AUTO SHOW so of course you got ink all over yourself (and me). I'm sure we are breaking a parenting law there, but you LOVE the cars. "Car?" Yes!

After the paper, it's JOEL! We love Joel. He was inspiring this morning talking about God's ability to accelerate our success. You sat still through the whole thing - you know how much daddy loves to watch Joel. You seem to watch him and understand as well. Do you? =0)

Dishes were next, but of course we had to play before we made it there and BAM! We knocked a picture off the table. It had glass in the frame and that broke. Why do I have glass in any frames?! So you got to watch me sweep up and throw away the glass. We did the dishes and you REALLY helped. You handed me the spoons and forks and I put them away. Not ready for you to help me with the glass, but cups and silverware were perfect. That was fun!

We played some catch with the soft football your aunt Joyce gave you. You cackled for a while, and then you were tired. Just like that! Like a switch went off, you were ready for your nap. You are napping now so I have time to post.

What a great morning as we celebrate another super Sonday! I love that Sundays have become Son-Day. Let's keep this ritual forever. Okay? =0)

To Your Success,

Max's Dad (Michael)