Your first recital was last night. Yes, you are 2 years old (and call tell me so!). It was an interesting night. Two of your parents' weaknesses came to a head last night. They combined to take away from your experience. I'm not sure if many parents would think about it, but of course, I think about everything. What most would see is a little boy (taller than anyone else in the class) who was uncomfortable, crying, and perhaps a case of stage fright from being in front of a large audience. Here's what really happened and I bet a lot of parents can relate...
We are to be at the Community Center at 6:40 p.m. Mom who enjoys a busy schedule manages to get home to order pizza to get there early at 6:00, but in the meantime has to get a Webinar e-mailed to me while I wait in the office (with high-speed Internet access) to send it out to our BOOSTers (clients). The first effort blows up because these are huge files. The video editor had tried to compress the video and it did not turn out well. I needed the original. She uses the service to send over the larger file. I waited...
Mom also had to get you dressed and ready in your nice clothes. I waited until 6:00 and at that point, it was time to go. No file and wouldn't have time to forward. I get caught in rush hour traffic and a 20-minute drive now takes 30 minutes. I get to the house at the same time as the pizza. We eat quickly and make it out of the house at 6:45 (we are five minutes late). We arrive at 7:00 - time for the event to start. I need to be more conscious of time. If we get there early, you are comfortable and relaxed and have had time to separate yourself from mom a little bit. You would have had a chance to get used to being with Finley, Brenna and the rest of your class. Instead, we rushed in, put you in front of all the people, and you blew up. It was almost embarrassing (if I got embarrassed :).
You immediately started looking for mommy and once finding her, you did what gets her attention most. You whined. Then she made a look as if, "oh, so cute, he needs me." Then it was all she wrote. You went ballistic. I picked you up but there was one and only one thing you were looking for at that point - the caressing, motherly mom. The sympathetic looks followed as mom held you.
I wonder what it might have been like. Let's say, we get there early (I vow to have you EARLY to every event from now on). I take you in and get you with the class. Mom stays behind so you don't have that "crutch". You get comfortable with your class. Mom sneaks in late to watch. You belt out Jingle Bells. The crowd applauds. You love it, ham it up, and smile. We all get cookies afterwards and you sit on Santa's lap - comfortable, smiling, and fun-loving.
Lesson learned. Be on time. Have a plan to maximize YOUR experience. Please forgive us. We are new at this parenting experience. It was our first recital. We messed up, but we'll do better. Mom will work on helping you become more independent. I will be more time-conscious and punctual. Thank you for helping us improve.
To Your Success,
Max's Dad (Michael)