Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Day I Found Out...

Hi Bay-Bee! :)

The Unofficial Day:

I remember the day your mom showed me the EPT results. I didn't know whether to cry, laugh, scream for joy, or let out a big yell. It came out a muffled, "all right honey" and a long hug. We were having a baby. You see, you are special. You are our baby. :) I grabbed Sheri and set up Parenting Magazine and the baby books we have and set them just so on the bed. Then I put the EPT stick on the magazine, like a beautiful still art photo. One problem. The results of the EPT are in some LCD digital thing and everytime we took a photo the glare would block out the results! We took about 10 shots trying no lights, lights, different angles, the whole nine yards. Eventually, we just gave up and were rolling with laughter. There was no way to get this picture. So I told Sheri we'll Google Image it and so we did. Here it is. The bottom one is what we were trying to take a picture of. Obviously this person is a better photographer than either your dad or your mom. :)

The Official Results:

On March 26, 2008, I went to St. Louis with Tim Chin, Jimmy Ezell, and Dr. Jim Filberth for Red Carpet Day for our online travel business. We had some great conversations. On our way back on Thursday, March 27, we were doing some scripting and some chatting about growing our businesses. I borrowed Tim Chin's phone (because I struggle to hear on mine) to call a potential partner for this business. So Tim Chin had my phone. While I was on the phone, Tim Chin said, "What's official?" I said, "What?" He said, "Sheri texted you and said, 'It's official.'" I hung up and said, "Hey give me that."

Sheri wrote, "I had the doctor's appointment today. It's official. We're pregnant." I almost cried again. I told the crew in the car even though it was a little early to do so. I think Tim Chin would have had it around town in 10 days any way. :) I was swelling with pride. How cool is that?! I'm going to have a baby.

I remember very little from the last two hours of the drive as I thought about being a father. Your father.

To Your Success,

Bay-Bee's Papa (Michael)

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