Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hi Max!

I was so ready to build our first snowman this morning, but we didn't get as much snow as they predicted (8-10 inches turned into 1 or 2). 

We probably would have had to put that on hold anyway as you kept us up late. Your first sinus issue and your first vomit (projectile, streaming blast of white vomit) were highlights to our night as you fought to go to sleep. You finally conquered it and we appreciate the sleep. 

We'll have to wait until next year for the snowman, but for now, we'll build it with toothpicks and marshmallows. After all, Lucky goes nuts when you give him one. It's fun to watch. LOL.

To Your Success (and all the fun on the way), 

Max's Dad (Michael)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Dream Big, Max, DREAM BIG!

Hi Max!

You seem to like this game we play so I thought I would explain it for when you can read these notes. 

Our nightly ritual:

Right before you go to bed for the night, I put you in your little blue chair. I say, "Are you going to dream big tonight?" You look at me with your big blue eyes. I say a little louder, "Are you going to dream big tonight?" You start to smile a little. I say a little bit louder, "Are you going to dream big tonight?" I take your hands and put them shoulder-width. I say, "Are you going to dream this big tonight?" You put a little smile on your face. I take your hands and put them straight out to your sides and say, "Are you going to dream this big tonight?"You smile and gurgle. Lastly, I'll put your hands all the way above your head as far as you can stretch and say, "Are you going to dream THIS big tonight?" You giggle and laugh. 1 minute later, you are asleep. :) We love our nightly ritual. 

We have a lot of fun together with our morning and nightly rituals don't we?! :) 

DREAM BIG MAX! Donald Trump once said, "You are going to think any way, so you might as well think big." I agree. At 5 months and 1 day old, you have your entire life ahead of you. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. DREAM BIG. We encourage daydreaming (and night dreaming). 

To Your Success, 

Max's Dad (Michael)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Your First "Sick-Day"

Hi Max!

Yesterday and Today were monumental. You battled your first cold. I was very impressed as to how you handled it. I was waiting for the fussy, achy crying, but there was none. You are a trooper. You've smiled through it. Your breathing is raspy and we're sucking crud out of your nose (oh, the things we do for you). You are sleeping right through it and you've really helped mommie and me by not whining, crying, or moaning. We are delicate parents and are very glad that you have handled this without the noise. :) You are amazing... and a quick healer. You are already showing signs of breathing better and less runny nose. 

It's cool that you are perfect. :) 

To Your Success,

Max's Dad (Michael)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I love my child...

Hi Max!

Perhaps this is what everyone was talking about, but is it possible to love your child more each and every day. Something I've known and experienced, but never to this degree, is that love is infinite. There is enough love from me for everyone and enough love from everyone for everyone else. But the love of a child fits into its own very special box. 

When I open up Google Chrome, I have three tabs open with it - Facebook Inbox, Twitter, and Now that I posted your four-month pictures, I always hesitate on that page. You have become so expressive, so smiley. You are now a little human; whereas, before you were a little pod - a sleepin' and eatin', poopin' and peein' pod. :) 

I just had to write this. In a wave of emotion, a swelling of love, I put fingers to typepad and wanted to let you know that I love you. Your everything I've ever hoped for and more. You are just a cute kid, a smiley little baby, and a night-sleeping little angel. I'm blessed to have you as my son. 

To Your Success, 
