Saturday, November 15, 2008

What makes YOU unique?

Hi Max!

I was asked by a Facebook Friend, Jedd Price, to answer the question, "What makes YOU unique?" I put some thought into it and came up with the following:

"Thank you for your persistence in asking me to answer this Jedd. Most would probably say my unconditional love for the positive and optimism. Not a naive, rose-colored glasses type of mindless bliss, but a belief that everything TRULY happens for a reason. There are no accidents. Within every seemingly negative scenario there are a plethora of opportunities. Many get buried in the despair and emotions of the moment while I have the knack of taking a helicopter view of the situation and finding the reason for the happening, the positive from the problem, the lesson from the life's incident. My father passed away at a young age. I realize that his death taught me to honor his legacy, to be an Ambassador for what he stood for, and live by the positives he modeled. My wife thinks my dad is an angel because anyone we've ever encountered speaks highly about him. She never knew him when he was alive so she didn't see the belch at Thanksgiving, the sickness of cancer as it ate away at him, and the bad jokes, the human errors and mundane conversations that make life... life. She has only heard the miracles, the great impact he had on the lives of others. My father's death as emotional, heart-wrenching, and staggering as it was and could be was a benefit to me. He passed away so that I could become a better person and reach my potential. If I didn't work towards that I would be letting him down.

I live every day looking at the positive and I am unwavering in that view. You can't offend me, you can't anger me, and you don't have any control over my emotions. Only I do. I have the 'response-ability' to any situation. I have the ability to respond in any fashion I want to every endeavor and situation in my life. For every stimulus, there is a response. For me, it is ALWAYS seeing the positive. What can we learn from the situation? What is the opportunity in the cloud with the silver lining. Many see clouds and I see the rain that causes growth. Me = +. :)"

I thought I would share that with you little guy. You had a busy week with your first smile and your first photo shoot. Unfortunately the two didn't intersect. You smiled at home, but struggled to smile in the studio. It was cold and new and stimulus overload and you told us about it. We'll both get better at those pictures.

Readers, what makes YOU unique? Add your comment so that Max can define what makes him unique. Thank you!

To Your Success,

Max' Dad (Michael)

2 comments: said...

Great post Michael! And you must be soooo proud of your gorgeous little guy Max! (adorable!) Congratulations to you and your wife ;) Lookin' forward to more posts . . .

Max's Dad said...

Thank you Michelle! Thanks for dropping by amidst your very busy schedule. Max says good luck with your pro card!

Max' Dad (Michael)